Street-level crime in RG21 8UY - Basingstoke Gazette

Crime for RG21 8UY

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Street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in from the Home Office.

To protect privacy, crimes are mapped to points on or near the road where they occurred.

Street name Crime type

Use a postcode for more accuracy

Police station and neighbourhood policing team

Neighbourhood police station

Northern Police Investigation Centre
Northern Police Investigation Centre
Northern Police Investigation Centre
Jays Close
Viables Business Park
RG22 4BS

Opening Hours:
Mon: 0800 - 2000
Tue: 0800 - 2000
Wed: 0800 - 2000
Thu: 0800 - 2000
Fri: 0800 - 2000
Sat: 0800 - 2000
Sun: 0900 - 1700

  • Telephone: 101
  • Email:

Basingstoke Centre neighbourhood policing team

PCSO 18515 Jackson
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO 18513 Wilson
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Sergeant 23384 Spierling
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO 18564 Port
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PC 28189 Warhurst
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.

About this neighbourhood

The town centre beat comprises of Eastrop, BlackDam and the Town Centre.
Festival Place is one of the largest in-town shopping centres in England. There are over 160 shops including Marks and Spencers, BHS and Debenhams. Festival Square is the restaurant area and it also has a Vue Cinema and is linked to the bus station. There is a large nightclub at the southern end of the bus station.
The Malls dates back to the 1960s and has not changed much. Since Allders closed and Festival Place opened it continued to decline. However, Primark has since opened boosting foot traffic.
The Top of Town is the original town centre, and dates back to the 1830s. It is a lot quieter than the newer shopping centre, consisting mainly of pubs, eateries, banks and estate agents. It still has a weekly farmers market every Wednesday.

There are three residential areas, Church Square, Crown Heights and Victory Hill, two churches, a mainline railway and a few large organisation''s.

The force responsible for policing and crime prevention in this area is Hampshire Constabulary.

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Monthly crime data provided by under the Open Government Licence